Spectrum of Misconception

Its that time of year again, time to share a very special message.

Spectrum of Misconception is our Social Enterprise, set up to give our son Zach the opportunity many of us take for granted, to experience work.

When we set up the enterprise we wanted to make it relevant to Zach and so we came up with an idea which as well as giving Zach work experience also educated people about autism.

Autism is extremely complicated and varies so much from person to person. How many times as a parent have I had someone tell me ‘oh yes, I know someone like that’?  I can tell you, it is many! Have I challenged everybody who has ever said it? No!

To explain the vast spectrum would be like unravelling a never ending ball of string because there are so many differences.

We wanted to bust some of the most commonly held myths about autism, to share messages which would raise awareness of autism, to let people know that not everybody who has autism comes from the same mould. The only thing most people with autism definitely have in common is the label.

Our Enterprise was entirely funded using Crowd Funding and the very generous support of dear friends. We feel a massive responsibility to make the enterprise a success and to keep it going, we hope that we can expand and offer more people who have autism and complex needs the chance to gain work experience.

How can you help?

You can order some of our wonderful Christmas Cards. The cards are unique. We asked a local artist Malini Croxon to illustrate them this year and she has really captured our concepts. Both illustrations carry subtle autism awareness messages related to the image and a festive greeting.

Zach’s role in the process is packing up orders and taking them to the post office where they are weighed and passed through to the staff behind the counter.


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This is a challenge for Zach but he is doing brilliantly at getting boxes ready, packing up the correct orders and in the Post Office. He is helped with all this by his wonderful support team.

We hope to receive your order, for us there is no more important message than to raise autism awareness and understanding.

Find us at http://www.spectrumofmisconception.com